Jira Cheat Sheet

Text Effects


Jira is a self-hosted project management tool developed by Atlassian. It may seem a little daunting at first, compared to products like Trello or Asana, it comes with a lot more power and functionality packed in. But don’t worry, Jira is actually a very intuitive tool. This Git cheat sheet saves you time when you just can't remember what a command is or don't want to use git help in the command line. It is hard to memorize all the important Git commands by heart, so print this out or save it to your desktop to resort to when you get stuck. We’ve included the basic Git commands to help you learn Git, and more advanced concepts around Git branches, remote. JIRA SERVER & DATA CENTER WORKFLOW CHEAT SHEET WORKFLOW CONDITIONS Should the user be able to see/perform the transition? Native in Jira Comment related issues Create a comment on all issues related to the current issue. Can be either a text, optionally including a Groovy template markup or the result of Groovy expression. A visual cheat-sheet for the 44 keyboard shortcuts found in Jira. Original Reference Report Issue. This page describes information about operators that are used for advanced searching. An operator in JQL is one or more symbols or words, which compares the value of a field on its left with one or more values (or functions) on its right, such that only true results are retrieved by the clause.


Jira Markdown Cheat Sheet

+inserted+underlined^supe­rsc­ript^super­script~subsc­ript~subscript{{monospace}}monos­pac­e/codebq. TextQueryBlock quote, like Cheato­gra­phy's Answer block{quote}
{quote}Block quote a multiline paragraph{color:red}
{color}Text color


[^attachment.ext]Internal link to an anchor or attachment[http:­//e­xam­ple.com]External link[Alias­|ht­tp:­//...]External link with alias[mailt­o:f­oob­ar@­exa­mpl­e.com]Email link, with icon[file:­///­c:/­tmp­/fo­o.txt]Download link to a file{ancho­r:a­nch­orname}Creates an anchor[~user­name]Link to user profile page

Text Breaks

(empty line)Produces a new paragraphCreates a line break----Horizontal ruler---Long dash symbol--Dash symbol


Some attach­ments of a specific type can be embedded into a wiki renderable field from attached files, taking in a comma-­sep­arated list of proper­ties:


Makes a table. Use double bars for a table
heading row.


* some
* bullet
** indented
** bullets
* pointsA bulleted list (must be in first column)# a
# numbered
# listA numbered list (must be in first column).

Jira Functional Cheat Sheet

- different
- bullet
- typesList items (with -), several lines create a single list

Jira Book Pdf

Use more (**, ***; ##, ###) for deeper indent­ations. Bulleted and numbered lists can be mixed (#*, *#).


h1Biggest headingh2Bigger headingh3Big headingh4Normal headingh5Small headingJira shortcuts cheat sheeth6Smallest headingTo create a header, place 'hn. ' at the start of the line (where n can be a number from 1-6).


Inserts an image into the page.!img.j­pg­|th­umb­nail!Insert a thumbnail of the image into the page.!img.g­if­|al­ign­=right, vspace=4!For any image, you can also specify attributes of the image tag as a comma separated list of name=value pairs like so.

Misc. (Icons­/em­oti­cons)

xEscape a character:)😊:(☹️:P😛:D😀;)😉(y)(n)(i) (blue)(/) (green)(x)❎ (red)(!) (yellow)(+) (green)(-) (red)(?) (blue)(on) (lit)(off) (off)(*) (yellow)(*r) (red)(*g) (green)(*b) (blue)(*y) (yellow)(flag) (red)(flagoff)

Advanced Formatting

preformatted piece of text
so *no* further _forma­tting_ is done here
Prefor­matted text block with no syntax highli­ghting.{code:title=Bar.java}
public String getFoo() {
return foo;
Makes a prefor­matted block of code with syntax highli­ghting. Languages: Java (default), JavaSc­ript, Action­Script, XML, SQL.{panel}
Some text
Embraces a block of text within a fully custom­izable panel.{pane­l:t­itle=My Title|borderStyle=dashed}
a block of text surrounded with a *panel*
Panel with optional parame­ters.The optional parameters you can define, for panel and code, are the following ones:
title, border­Style, border­Color, border­Width, bgColor, titleB­GColor

Show tickets created by a user

This will also show them in descending order, which will give you the most recently created issues first.

Query by project

Find issues belonging to an inactive user

Search via text

Searching for multiple criteria


Get all bugs linked with a task (PROJECT-1234)

For example, if you create a bug that should be a task, you can do the following:

  1. Open the issue you want to change
  2. Click More
  3. Click Move
  4. Specify the New Issue Type
  5. Click Next >>
  6. Click Next >>
  7. Click Move


If your description keeps getting screwed up after you save something you've change in the description, be sure to click the Edit button instead of editing it inline.

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